Monday 23 May 2011


I've been thinking about this topic a lot lately.

And apparently here it is, at 4am.

I haven't blogged in a month.

I've been busy; working on my business, talking care of my family and myself, rearranging the family budget, planning a bathroom renovation, organising a 6th birthday party, catching up with friends & family, training my fabulous fitness clients, encouraging friends to join my on a fun-run for charity and walking with them to show them they could do it, learning to box,taking over-55's through an exercise class, (those ladies work hard!), and myriad other things that are going on in my life.

Almost every day I find myself inspired by someone else's story.

What is it about people living their lives with passion, determination and conviction that makes some of us think, "Oh, that makes me want to be better, to do better, to do something in my life I didn't think possible"?

And what is it that makes some of us think, "Oh no, I couldn't."?

There are a lot of people in this world living much tougher lives than me, working hard not because they love their jobs, but because they need to eat, taking care of really ill children, living with pain & disease, and with everything life throws at them, doing it with such grace, still finding the good in others, still finding the joy in life.

I can do that.

What can you do?